Avanti Communications

I’ve worked with Avanti Communications since 2012 assisting with a plethora of design collateral, advertising campaigns, exhibition stands and much more as it has developed and grown its brand through different iterations. I have also have helped with design consultations, brand assessment, custom illustration, office graphics, micro-sites, funding presentations and sub brand development. In fact I have done so much for Avanti there is too much to show here.

My dedication and continuous fast turn around schedule ensures everything is always done on time and to standard whatever the demands.

ClientAvanti communicationsServicesPrint Design, Exhibition Design, Campaign Concepts, Branding, Art Direction, Illustration, Web Design, PresentationsYear2012 - ongoing


I've worked a various parts of the Avanti Group, designing specific advertising campaigns, developing sub brands and creating collateral and micro sites.



Exhibitions are a key event for Avanti throughout the year and I've been designing the graphics for their stands since the first events in the UK. Since then I've designed graphics for shows across the world including CABSAT in Dubai, WMC in Barcelona and AFRICACOM in Capetown.